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15/2019 Final Result for the post of Laboratory Technician of Health Services, Haryana Against Advt. No. 15/2019, Cat No.02 .
15/2019 Final Result for the post of Opthalmic Assistant of Health Services, Haryana Against Advt. No. 15/2019, Cat No. 08.
15/2019 Final Result for the post of Radiographer/Ultrasound Technician of Health Department, Haryana Against Advt. No. 15/2019, Cat No. 06.
14/2019 Final Result for the post of Assistant Manager (Electrical) of HSIIDC, Haryana Against Advt. No. 14/2019, Cat No.07.
15/2019 Final Result for the post of Operation Theatre Assistant of Health Services, Haryana Against Advt. No. 15/2019, Cat No. 09.
14/2019 Final Result for the post of Assistant Draughtsman of Architecture, Haryana Against Advt. No. 14/2019, Cat No. 33.
12/2019 Result of Written Examination and notice to candidates for Online Scrutiny of Documents for the posts of Plumber Instructor (Practical),Mill Wright Mechanic (Mechanical) ,Instructor (Practical), Instrument Mechanic Instructor (Theory) and Instrument Mechanic Instructor (Practical) against. No. 12/2019,Category No. 67,69,81 and 84 of Skill Development & Industrial Training Department, Haryana.
3/2021 Revised result for the post of Sub INspector (Female) , Category - 02
3/2021 Revised result for the post of Sub INspector (Male) Cat. No. 01
12/2019 Result of Written Examination and notice to candidates for Online Scrutiny of Documents for C a t e g o r y N o . 1 5 , 27,89,33,43,57,49,48,51,52,71,90,63,85,82,93,94,37 and 66 of Skill Development & Industrial Training Department, Haryana.
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